



Zanutta, a major business partner of ABK, is launching a useful and creative initiative aimed at local nursery schools through its store in Sacile, a town in the northern Italian province of Pordenone. Organised with the support of the Sacile town council, the project entitled “Una casa da vivere… a colori” (“A house to live in... in colour”) will help children attending eight local public and private nursery schools unleash their creativity, inspired by the “Paint the house” design of ABK’s Wide&Style collection. The children are invited to make drawings based on the pattern of ceramic panels from ceramic tile manufacturer ABK and submit them by 7 May. A panel of judges will examine the drawings and select 12 to be featured on a calendar, which Zanutta will donate to all participating schools. Copies of the calendar may be sold by the individual schools and the proceeds used to purchase educational materials. The panel of judges will consist of Carlo Spagnol, Cultural Officer for the Municipality of Sacile; Manuela Morotti, representative of Zanutta Spa; Nadia Albano, head of the Sacile public library; Giovanna Zuddas, a former teacher of drawing and history of art and now the representative of the Sacile association “Circolo della Cultura del Bello” (“Circle of the Culture of Beauty”); Silvia Pignat, children’s illustrator; and Sarolta Szulyovszky, children’s illustrator and art designer. The award ceremony will be held on 25 May in the Sala dell’Ex Ospitale in Sacile during the official opening of the exhibition, where the 80 drawings that have participated in the initiative will be displayed for two weekends. The award will consist of a Paint The House panel from ABK and will be installed by Zanutta Spa in the winning school during the summer holidays. All participating schools will receive educational materials for their painting workshops. Through this project, Zanutta Spa is continuing the efforts to promote education that it began in 2014 when it provided funds and scholarships for architecture and engineering faculties with the aim of actively supporting tomorrow’s creative and design professionals.
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